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AI + Human Customer Support Agents: Three Years From Now

Date: 28th February 2023
Time: 12PM EST I 9AM PST

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With all the buzz about AI recently, you probably can’t help but think… “What’s next? Where is this going?”

Will AI really replace customer support agents?

While we don’t have a crystal ball, we do have some predictions about where AI and customer support will be a few years from now.

Hear it straight from the experts. We’re holding a one-of-a-kind roundtable discussion with industry leaders from Tshili Khupe, Sara Pereda, Enryck Serin, Neil Forrest & Jen Staben.

Listen in as they converge and talk about:

*By the way, an AI helped a human write this! 😉


Tshili Khupe photo

Tshili Khupe

Head of Business Development & Partnerships, LTVplus

Sara Pereda photo

Sara Pereda

Senior Partner Manager, Yotpo

Enryck Serin photo

Enryck Serin

GTM Lead Partnership, PolyAI

Neil Forrest photo

Neil Forrest

Sr. Strategic Partner Manager EMEA, Gorgias

Jen Staben

Director of Customer Experience, Tydo